May 13th, 2012 by Gail


Peaceful metaphor of a dove carrying an olive branchPeaceful metaphor of a dove carrying an olive branch




~ Dermott ~ 

September 2000 – 9 May 2012



My best friend closed his eyes last night,
As his head lay in my hand.
The doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.
The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled him in my arms,
Were of his younger puppy years,
And Oh… his many charms.
Today there was no gentle nudge,
With an intense "I love you" gaze.
Only a heart that’s filled with tears,
Remembering our joy-filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me,
And said, "You should cry no more,
God also loves our canine friends,
He’s installed a doggy door!"


  Never a show dog but always a champion best friend and mate of all the Sullivans.

Peaceful metaphor of a dove carrying an olive branchPeaceful metaphor of a dove carrying an olive branch

Owned & Loved By:
The Sullivan Family
SOUTHBEACH Irish Setters
Torquay, Victoria.
Roger Sullivan [[email protected]]

Bred By:
K H McCarthy
TARAGLEN Irish Setters






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