July 8th, 2012 by Gail


NEW  Gold cup trophy award








7.10 Supreme Champion (10/11)

a) Using the points system as approved by the ANKC Ltd at the time, an animal will be required to attain the following qualifications to be eligible to the title of Supreme Champion.

1,000 points, including 3 All Breeds Best in Shows; or 10 Best in Group/Specialty Best in Show.

Either 3 different Best in Show Judges or 10 different Best in Group/Specialty judges must be submitted, there can be no repeated judges.

b) The implementation date for the awarding of the title of Supreme Champion be 1 July 2012.

c) A Supreme Championship will not be awarded to animals retrospectively, but an animal will be eligible to be awarded the title of Supreme Champion, if they gain some points towards the title of Supreme Champion (1000 points) after the
implementation date of the 1 July 2012


Gold cup trophy award








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